Here i will provide you the questions and in next lecture i will provide you the answers :
HTML stands for:
Types of header:
HTML files are saved with the extension:
What is the correct tag for creating a hyperlink:
What CSS property is used to change the background color of an element
Which CSS property controls the spacing between lines of text?
What is the correct HTML tag for creating a line break?
Which attribute is used to specify the URL for an image in HTML?
CSS stands for:
To write inline CSS we use ______ tag.
How to import an external style sheet?
How many different types of selectors in CSS?
How can you change the font size of text in CSS:
Which property is used to set border colors in HTML ?
Which tag is used to show the options in the drop-down selection lists?
What is DOM in HTML ?
New input attribute introduced by HTML5 :
Name the tag used for plug-in content?
Author information is mentioned in?
Which is used as a container for content :
For grouping together related elements, we use :
Loop attribute is never used with?
below questions do it yourself:
Explain the difference between HTML and CSS.
Describe the different ways to apply CSS styles to an HTML document.
Describe the box model in CSS and its components.
What is the purpose of the CSS z-index property?
What is the purpose of CSS media queries?
Explain the difference between display: block; and display: inline; in CSS.
How do you center an element horizontally in CSS?