Get image , video ,audio, interlinks ,lists (lt.8)


2 min read

In this lecture we will learn how to get images from local database and from online sources, also we gonna learn about getting videos , how to refer the other websites .

Also we will set the height and width of the images.

Lists: They are used to organize and present information in a structured manner

They are mainly of three types

  1. Ordered lists. <ol>

2. Unordered lists. <ul>

  1. Definition lists. <dl>

below programme will demonstrate it:

href : hyperlink or reference.

target : means open in new tab.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=\, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>BLOCK AND TITLE</title>


<!--  Getting Image -->
  <img src="4.jpg" alt="error 404" height="300px" width="240px" title="beauty" />
  <br />

    <!--   lists-->
  <!-- ordered list and types      -->
    <li type="i">one</li>
    <li type="I"></li>
    <li type="A">three</li>

  <!-- unordered list (default : disc)-->
  <!-- unordered list and types -->
    <li type="circle"></li>
    <li type="square"></li>
    <li type="none"></li>
    <li type="disc"></li>

  <!-- description list dl -->
    <!-- dt : description term -->
    <dt>samsung s22 ultra</dt>
     <!-- dd : description data-->
    <dd>this is good phone</dd>

  <a href="" target="_blank">google</a>
  <!-- target : means open in new tab -->

  <a href="hello.html" target="_blank">same site</a>
  <a href="">mail</a>
  <a href="DATA_STRUCTURE_57421_GOPAL_KRISHNA_DWIVEDI_.docx" download>downlaod</a>
  <br />

  <!-- getting video in page -->

  <h1>loading video</h1>
    controls autoplay muted height="600px" width="350px">if video not loaded</video>

  <!-- method 2 -->

  <!--  we can give more than one video source in it as if one source fails then we can get the other source -->
  <video controls>
      src="" height="200px" width="300px"/>
    <source src="" height="300px" width="300px" />

  <!-- getting an audio on page -->
  <audio src="" controls autoplay muted></audio>



lt.7 :

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